The Ramesseum of King Ramesses II

The Ramesseum is located on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor city. Although the rest of the temple is considered remains, it is one of the most important destinations for lovers of King Ramesses II. This temple is dedicated to King Ramesses II as his funerary temple and the god Amun-Ra.

The Ramesseum plan: Unlike the other well-preserved structures of King Ramesses II in other temples as Karnak Complex and Luxor temple, most of his funerary temple, the Ramesseum temple, is in ruins today.

  • Like other temples in ancient Egypt, the entrance of this temple began with the pylon, but it was collapsed. This pylon was decorated with the inscription for the Kadesh battle.
  • Then there is the first open courtyard that has nothing remains but a colonnaded hall. This hall houses the remains of a colossal statue to King Ramesses II. This statue has an exciting story, which we will tell you later.
  • Then the great hypostyle hall, there are 29 columns that are still standing.
  • Then the second courtyard. It is in better condition, as you will be able to recognize two rows of statues for king Ramesses II representing him in Osiris form.
  • Then there is the second hypostyle hall. It contains 8 columns in the form of papyrus. This hall distinguishes with a special inscription that represents astronomical scenes.

Also, there are depictions of giving offerings to several gods and the sacred boat of Amon Ra. In addition, a unique scene, as king Ramesses II appears sitting in front of the god Thoth and the goddess Seshat and they are writing his name on the leaves of the tree of life to wish him a long life.

In addition, there is a scene for king Ramesses II sitting in front of the Triad of Thebes. Below this scene, there is a depiction for the sons of the king.

King Ramesses II in front of the Triad of Thebes - The Ramesseum - Egypt Vacation Tours
King Ramesses II in front of the Triad of Thebes
  • Finally, at the end of the temple, there are many rooms. Among these rooms, there are the library, the storerooms of the temple, and the sanctuary or the holy of holies, that is dedicated to the god Amun-Ra and King Ramesses II.

The names of the Ramesseum:

  • The first name was given to this temple was during the Greek period when they linked between the northern statue of king Amenhotep III and their hero Memnon, They considered the Ramesseum as Memnonium or the tomb of Memnon.
  • Nowadays, the temple is known by the name of Ramesseum that is given to the temple by Champollion, who deciphered hieroglyphics through the Rosetta stone.

There is a legend linked with the remains of the fallen colossal statue of King Ramesses II, which in the first open courtyard, as classical visitors called it Ozymandias. These fallen remains inspired the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley to write a poem and linked in it between the statue and their hero Ozymandias.

Ozymandias Statue - the Ramesseum - Egypt Vacation Tours
Ozymandias Statue