The Reviving of the Grand Avenue of Sphinxes

As Egypt grabbed the attention of the whole world to Cairo during the royal Mummies parade when they were transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to their final destination to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. Egypt will grab the attention of the whole world again, but this time will be in Luxor, especially in the east bank of Luxor city. Luxor city is preparing for a celebration for reviving of the grand avenue of sphinxes at the end of June after its development and restoration.

The correct name of this road is the road of the great parades or the road of the religious celebrations and parades.

The history of the grand avenue of sphinxes The excavations in this avenue started on the 18th of March 1949 by the archaeologist Zakaria Ghoneim. The work continued till it stopped in 2011 due to the revolution of the 25th of January 2011, and it has been resumed again in 2017.

The reviving of the Grand Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor - Egypt Vacation Tours (1)

We knew about this avenue from a depiction in the red chamber of Queen Hatshepsut at Karnak Complex, as Hatshepsut said that she constructed a road for her father the god Amun-Ra to pass through it during his feasts as Opet feast from Luxor Temple to Karnak Complex, vice versa.

Also, she mentioned that she decorated this road with statues and 6 chambers for a break to the Holy boats of the triad of Thebes (Amun, Mut, and Khonsu).

Throughout ancient Egyptian history, several kings added statues to this road either headed with human head or ram head. It is thought that the construction of the avenue started during the New Kingdom and was completed in the 30th Dynasty during the rule of King Nectanebo I.

This avenue is divided into two parts. The first part is in front of Luxor Temple containing sphinxes statues with a human head and lion body, while the second part is in front of Karnak Complex headed with rams. All these statues were made from one block of sandstone.

The reviving of the Grand Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor - Egypt Vacation Tours (5)
The reviving of the Grand Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor - Egypt Vacation Tours (4)

This avenue connects Karnak Complex with Luxor Temple, passing by the domain of Mut. The statues are about 1200 statues on both sides. They look like that they guard those who using this avenue between the two temples.

The celebration of reviving of the avenue of sphinxes The avenue of sphinxes is an archaeological site belonging to Thebes as World Heritage Site and considered as one of the most important attractions in the east bank of Luxor city.

The reviving of this avenue will turn the east bank of Luxor into an open-air museum, as the tourist will be able to visit Luxor Temple from Karnak Complex via walking through the avenue of sphinxes, which makes this site considered the world’s largest ancient site.

In this event, the grand avenue of sphinxes will be completely opened. It is about 2,700 meters long and about 7 meters wide, with 1200 statue on both sides.

How can you visit the avenue of sphinxes? You will be able to visit it from Karnak Complex, or Luxor Temple, or through three side entrances. On the side of the avenue, there is a museum that will be existed to display the collection discovered during the excavations in the avenue of sphinxes. Additionally, you will see some wine presses, baths, and Nilometer.

The avenue of sphinxes will be lighted at night for visiting for more enjoyment with the ancient Egyptian magic.