Dakhla Oasis in the Western Desert is one of the seven Egyptian oases. It is located in the New Valley Governorate, between Farafra and Kharga Oases. It is famous for housing beautiful verdant gardens of dates and olives.
The history of Dakhla Oasis 1 – Dakhla Oasis has a great history. Some specialists think that during Prehistory, nomadic hunter-gatherers began to settle almost permanently in the Dakhleh oasis in the period of the Holocene.
2 – It did not have a great position during the Pharaonic period.
3 – During the Roman period, there is a monastery is called Deir el-Hagar or Monastery of Stone in the English language. This monastery was established by the Roman Emperor Nero and was dedicated to the Theban triad (Amun-Ra – Mut-Khonsu).

4 – During the 12th century, the Qasr ad-Dachla was built. It is a fortified Islamic town housing Ottoman and Mamluk buildings founded by mud brick.