Egyptian Monuments illuminate the World

The Egyptian monuments illuminate for the world. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Egyptian government launched the initiative that is the illumination of the Egyptian sightseeing as the great pyramid of Cheops in Giza plateau and Cairo Tower to send a message for the whole world. This message contains (Stay Home – Stay Save). This message aims to urge people to stay at their homes to reduce the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 and protect themselves from it.

Also, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities did not forget to thank doctors and nurses in this message to express their appreciation to them. The message was (Thank you to those keeping safe) what referring that they are working hard for day and night in hospitals to treat patients and sacrifice their lives for us.

It is a pleasure for Our team to join in this initiative (Egyptian monuments illuminate for the world) by providing several articles about Egypt’s historical sites and sightseeing. We hope to be safe.

Additionally, we are launching another initiative under the slogan (Experience Egypt from Home. Stay Home. Stay Safe). In this initiative, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities collaborated with scientific and archaeological institutes to create virtual reality tours for several attractions in Egypt.

1 – The Tomb of Menna

2 – The tomb of Queen Meresankh III

3 – The Red Monastery

4 – the Mosque, Madrassa (School) and Khanqa of Sultan Barquq

5 – Ben Ezra Synagogue

6 – Beni Hasan Necropolis

7 – The Catacombs of Alexandria

8 – The tomb of Ramses VI

9 – The Coptic Museum

10 – The Zoological Museum